Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Due to Leiomyoma

Explore the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Due to Leiomyoma (AUB-L). Learn how uterine fibroids can lead to irregular and heavy menstrual bleeding.________________________________________

Abnormal uterine bleeding can happen to anyone, and this disorder has nine possible causes. We have defined two of them in our previous posts: polyps and adenomyosis. The article for today will focus on leiomyoma.

What is Leiomyoma?

We can say that leiomyoma is a more common gynecological tumor since it affects about 50% of females in their reproductive phase. Another common thing about leiomyoma is that they are mostly predominantly found among Africans.

Leiomyomas are noncancerous tumors that start to grow in the muscle cells of the myometrium. The myometrium is the thick middle layer of your uterine wall. They can be classified according to their location in the uterus and they can differ in size too.

Now that you now know what leiomyoma is all about, stay tuned when we delve deeper into this gynecological tumor.