Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Due to Endometrial

This article will teach you about everything you need to know about the endometrial and how it leads to abnormal uterine bleeding.

If you have followed us from the beginning, you must have noticed we mentioned something like the endometrial. In case you forgot, endometrial is the inner lining of your uterus. Now, how does endometrial causes lead to abnormal uterine bleeding?

To know this, we have to understand what an endometrial dysfunction.

What is Endometrial Dysfunction?

Abnormal uterine bleeding due to endometrial dysfunction is when excessive and irregular bleeding from the uterus is caused by damage to the endometrial lining. This mostly occurs during the shedding of blood in the menstrual circle. It is common among women in their reproductive age or during menses.

Now, we just have two letters to target before moving on to the next phase of our topic.